Our guide to Brochures

The brochure is the perfect print product for marketing and promotional materials. Whether you’re printing brochures, programmes, menus or pamphlets, you’ll find a multitude of folding options to choose from. To order brochures click here.

Our unique, intelligent upload system

Our intelligent software allows you to upload your files as single pages or panels, just as you would a book.

So long as the pages are numbered, or supplied in the correct reading order, our smart system - the first of its kind - will automatically place them in the correct position.

And once uploaded, you can also drag the pages to a new position if desired.

Alternatively, you can choose to supply your file with just two pages - Side 1 and Side 2. In this case, you must make sure your content is positioned on the correct panel once folded.

The Mixam way:

  • Unique, intelligent print file upload system
  • User-friendly
  • Drag and drop pages into place once uploaded

Brochure 3D Preview

Thanks to our unique system you can view a 3D preview of your finished leaflet, and with a simple click of a button you can fold and unfold it.

You can even drag and drop the files to change the order, and it’ll all be updated in real-time.

Click here to get started with your next brochure order, and try it for yourself.